Youth Services Program

We provide compassionate, high-quality, accessible, affordable healthcare and support services for young folks in safe and non-judgmental spaces

  • Medical Care: sexual health and education, birth control options and emergency, pregnancy testing and options counseling including referrals for abortion or pregnancy care for pregnant people, STI testing and treatment, PEP and PrEP for HIV prevention, urinary and genital infection testing and treatment, cervical cancer screening, pelvic exams
  • Mental healthcare and referrals
  • Food bank and food resources
  • Peer education and support
  • Substance use harm reduction program: harm reducation counseling and overdose prevention, narcan distribution
  • Resource support and navigation assistance
  • LGBTQIA+ friendly care

Payments Accepted:

All sexual health, harm reduction, health education and food bank services can be offered for free.

For services like  mental health therapy, we accept most health insurances and offer sliding-scale for people who do not have or cannot safely use their health insurance.

No one is turned away for inability to pay.

More about our Youth Services Program

Program Locations

 Click to make a referral!

  • West County Teen Clinic
    • Serving all folks 12-26 years old
    • Address: 652 Petaluma Ave Suite F in Sebastopol
    • Hours: Monday-Friday 1:30-5pm (walk in or appointments)
  • Forestville School Health Hub
    • Serving students of Laguna High School only
    • Address: 7050 Covey Rd in Forestville (in the main office)
    • Clinic Hours: During school hours
  • Sebastopol School Health Hub
    • Serving students of Analy High School only
    • Address: 445 Taft St in Sebastopol (Student Center-Room 2)
    • Clinic Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am to end of school day
  • Guerneville School Wellness Center
    • Serving student of Guerneville School and their families
    • Clinic Hours: Monday-Thursday during the school day

Medical Providers

Aimee Greenfield, PA    (she/her)                    Program Medical Director






Phoebe Smith, MD (she/her)

Teen Clinic & Forestville Health Hub Provide

Kyla Ehrenreich, PA (she/her)

Teen Clinic Provider 








Molly Kirkconnell, MD (she/her)

Teen Clinic Provider

Gabi Meckler, MD 

Teen Clinic Provider

Anita Vasudevan MD

Teen Clinic Provider



Maria Baron, FNP (she/her)

Sebastopol Health Hub & Guerneville Wellness Center Provider

Behavorial Health Providers

Xochi Lubin-Amaya, LMFT (she/her)
Anna Frattolillo, LMFT (they/she)

Maya Lopez, MSW, ASW



West County LGBTQQI Resources

A note about Minor Consent, Confidentiality and CA Sensitive Services:

 In our school-based health locations, most young people are under the age of 18 and therefore need their parent or guardian to consent to treatment on behalf of them for most services.  In California, we have minor consent laws which enable young people aged 12 and over to consent to some services.

Minor consent laws allow young people aged 12 and over to consent to certain services without parent or guardian involvement.  Minors may consent to certain services related to sexual and reproductive health, mental health, and drug and alcohol treatment.  For details, please see the National Center for Youth Law’s California Minor Consent and Confidentiality Laws grid.  When a young person accesses services under minor consent laws, those services are to be maintained confidentially – meaning that providers are bound by law to not share this information, including with parents/guardians.  


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